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The new Android version for Google Photos provides users non destructive editing


The new Android version for Google Photos provides users non destructive editing


The non destructive editing is the new exciting feature from the latest update of Google Photos of Android version, to the users. This feature was already there in iOS version of Google photos. The new feature gives you a way to go back (at any point of editing) to adjust previous edits or to completely undo them.

The old one make user to save multiple versions of the same photo but the new version is quite different. Here new version fix this problem. You could open an old photo and could change or eliminate the previous edits. This provides more freedom to people.

Google Photos cannot be compared with the apps like VSCO Cam or Darkroom or the company’s own Snapseed. We all do some sort of editing for the photos which we have. In that there will be our photos and the ones which was taken by us. In any case Google photos will be a real companion.


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