PHP Website development
PHP Development
PHP is a server side scripting language mainly used to create most dynamic and interactive web applications. Its high cross platform compatibility and security pulling large crowded into this. PHP started out as a small open source project that is evolved into today’s state. Now more and more people found out how useful it was. PHP framework such as Laravel were widely used nowadays by web developers. Rasmus Lerdorf unleashed the first version of PHP way back in 1994. In today's world majority of enterprises using PHP applications.

Why PHP?
- PHP is open source, which means its free of cost.
- Ease in implementation due to its simplicity. It takes a short time to enter in to the market.Thus it provides efficiency and competitive advantage.
- PHP is portable and compatible with almost all platforms including Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Solaris, IBM etc.
- It easily integrates with other software technologies such as JAVA.
- PHP is very simplified in nature as even HTML coders can integrate the PHP MySQL programming.
- Large amount of database interfaces like MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Informix and PostgreSQL etc.
- Highly cost effective.
- It provides facility for changes during and even after the initial project.
- There are large number of resources available for PHP. It includes both online and offline.
- Highly reliable, extendible and more secure.
- Ease in customization.
Why Technomobs?
Technomobs Solutions is a leading mobile and web application development company in Dubai,UAE , who is definitely engaged in developing of the most appealing, highly interactive, user friendly wide range of e-commerce applications, business applications, web applications and PHP applications with quality and time line.We have a team of skilled PHP developers having vast experience and in-depth knowledge of various PHP frameworks and other resources and technological innovation which helps them to provide effective, highly scalable, more efficient and user- friendly web programs. We follow industry best practices and strategies to provide the most extensive PHP web applications and services for different industry segments. We also provide personalized PHP web application alternatives to follow the business goals, business framework and workflow management of different businesses. We follow the latest web 2.0 standards and create PHP based web alternatives that provides maximum ROI and reduces overall development cost while changing the entire workflow system.
What does Technomobs offer through PHP?
PHP is a widely used application and has applications on almost all sectors in this world. We Technomobs cover almost all wings of PHP application . Here is a brief( we are far more than that !!!).
- Social networking website development
- overall development cost while changing the entire workflow system
- Community portal website development spanning all industries
- Ecommerce application development and web store application development
- Portal development
- Affiliate Platform development
- Advertisement platform development
- Large Scale enterprise application development
- PHP based custom web application development
- PHP content management systems
- Comprehensive laboratory management system
- Virtual science forum development
- Educational portals and ERP systems
- Networking applications for Entrepreneurs
- Advertising systems and online stores
- Shopping carts
- Online directories and Yellow pages
Technomobs IT Solutions strive to maintain excellent client relationship simply on the basis of client satisfaction by providing professional PHP web application development services with high quality, efficiency and accuracy.