iMobs- Eddystone Beacons
I - mobs - The New Beacon Version from Technomobs
Technomobs team is alway in an urge to find something new. Our research wing is always active. Now We are coming with beacon version. Beacons are actually tiny microchips which can be fixed to any objects, location and place. These tiny chips broadcast some signals and this signals can be interpreted by the smartphone which came to its range. So any objects, place could reveal the information about that to a smartphone. It opens a thousands of doors to connectivity and communications.

The new beacon from Technomobs is known as i-mobs. The robust i-mobs is an enterprise level beacon. It offers users benefits such as waterproof case, accurate hardware and robust firmware. Commercial advertising and indoor location based service are some of the application areas of i-mobs. i-mobs broadcast 2.4GHz radio signals at regular and adjustable intervals. The major benefit of imobs is that iOS and Android BLE enabled devices ,which are equipped with multiple types of apps, can interpret and hear the i-mobs signals.
I-mobs can be applied in so many areas. One major area where i-mobs can be applied is shopping malls, To locate product even before entering a shop can be established using i-mobs. Indoor tracking is another area where i-mobs can be applied. Likewise it can be applied in hotels, hospitals, security systems, education sector and so on. In brief imobs is applicable everywhere only thing is we have to find the integrating method.