Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement

Employing mobile technology in law enforcement can flourish the industry very well especially in security. Mobile systems helps the officers in field very well. It enables them to be in connection with the database. Whenever an information required regarding a case or suspect, using mobile systems they could easily gather information from the database. So it helps in investigations and to reduce crimes. Mobile technology not only helps the officers to connect with the databases but also to take evidences in real time. They could take images, voices and videos and can be used as evidence. The GPS systems available over smartphones helps the police control room to connect with the officers and helps the officers to track the suspects. So the most confidential and critical security informations can be handled very easily using mobile platforms.
Technomobs always emphasizing more on security. The tie up with the world class security solution provider kaspersky is an evidence for this. We value our clients very well and that concern will be displayed in the applications we are developing.