Construction Sector
Construction Sector
Irrespective of the position mobile technology is benefited to all the people who working in construction sector. Whether it is in field or office it doesn't matter. Mobile technology smoothen the work undertaken in construction industry.

TIn field, mobile technology helps to track the employees. Whether they are coming to job on time or not and doing the the work properly or not. It also helps to track the equipment's performance. The cost incurred and the performance statistics can be stored and analysed any time. So it act as better source for future reference. This applications help the foreman to detect equipment malfunctions at the beginning it self. It help the foreman to understand daily production requirements The use of mobile technology is not confined to the field alone. It is useful for the shop also. The workmen could receive work orders directly through the smartphones. Another area where the mobile technology is useful is for communication purpose.It facilitate inter departmental communication and thus facilitates conflict resolution and easy decision making. As a conclusion, we could say that mobile technology act as a complete solution for construction industry.
Technomobs mobile applications will meet all such needs. It gives customized solutions where your uniqueness will be marked.