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Responsive Web Designs - Benefits

Being responsive is always an important thing. Nowadays it is true in the case of web pages also. You may think why? In today’s world people were engaged more in platforms other than websites. For example smartphone, tablets etc. Marketing will be effective only if companies enter into areas were they involved in. The concept of responsive web designs came on this background. Responsive......


Executive summary It is believed that creativity and mathematics lies in two different polls. We think the two cannot be clubbed together.But reality says it is not like that.The nature itself act as proof for that.  The study proved that the whole creativity of the existence ie the universe is based on a ratio called Golden Ratio and which is 1.618. The foundation of the universe is......

MVC – A milestone in Software Development

It is nice to see and use most of the applications irrespective of the development platform behind that (web, mobile and other platforms). In order to create such an impression, on the backstage, there is a tremendous hard work. While we go to the backend, we could understand how the developers were creating all those things. Mass coding is there behind every programs. The main issue which......