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Emerging Programming Languages


Emerging Programming Languages

A developer should always update himself because the changes in programming languages is very fast. The programming languages are emerging day by day. Some exist and some fade away. So learning the languages which gain acceptance is a key factor to improve the employability of a developer. Here we are mentioning 6 emerging programming languages which developers could try to learn and utilise for their career. Have a look.

Dart :

Dart is a programming language developed by Google as a replacement for Javascript. The thing which distinguish Dart from others is it is not a hard one to learn for JavaScript developers. It is is an open source language. The speciality of Dart is that it is designed to make it easy to build large scale, multi developer web apps.

Opa :

Opa is a programming language which is designed to simplify and secure web application development. In usual cases you have to create browser side, server side and backend database components in different languages but here you write the whole application in Opa. After that the compiler creates the client and server code and builds the communications infrastructure between them.

Scala :

Scalable languages in short known as Scala. Scala can be used for both tiny programs as well as large scale applications. Scala is introduced in 2003 and now only the interest is on rise. the reason for this rise interest is that you can optimise code to work with concurrency. Scala is expected to gain more acceptance in future.


The speciality of Erlang is concurrency. Erlang was open sourced in 1998. Erlang is designed to make highly available and large scale applications. The feature called ‘ hot swapping’ enable modification or updation of code without stopping the running system. Erlang ensures simplification of concurrent programming. Erlang is expected to become the favorite of developers in future.

Ceylon :

Ceylon is a well known Java killer language. It is designed as a language to write large programs in teams by Red Hat. The first version reached developers in the of 2013. The major feature of Ceylon is ‘ Modularity’. Ceylon consist of module repositories, here each module published in Ceylon Herd which is the central repository.

Go :

Go first appeared in 2009. It is an open source Google language. Go is also known as ‘Golang’. Go is a traditional language but it written expressly for the cloud. This consist of features such as garbage collection and concurrency. The speciality of Go applications is that large applications can be compiled in seconds on a single computer.


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