Best Practices For Responsive Design
Being responsive in case of web sites is an inevitable thing in web designing. Responsive designing practises accommodate all type of users. Here let's examine some of the best practises for responsive designs.
Start in small and then to Big
In Today’s world responsive designs having high demand. The reason behind this is that the users are using devices with different screen sizes. So a web site which is fit for desktop alone will not be sufficient. The traffic from other devices to web pages is increasing day by day. It includes mainly smartphones and tablets. At the same time neglecting the desk top screens also not possible. Still so many are using that. So an approach clubbing this together is what needed. After managing content categories lay out them in the smallest viewpoint first. When you move to bigger screen sizes add elements accordingly.
Remove anything that is extraneous
Web designer should be also capable of removing something which is extraneous from the site. In those case he/she should not be attached to the designs. The designer should be dare enough to do so. Always the designer should question the each and every part of the design. If any misfit found should be dare enough to remove that. Delivering the exact design to the user is main goal of a designer it may or may not be most beautiful.
lay of content differently for different screens
When presenting content for different screens, just the column change alone will not work the content should be arranged accordingly. It requires a different layout approach. For best user experience there should be change in content presentation according to the change in screen size. So a device/ screen centric approach is what needed.
Use quality and big images
There should be always a balance between the visuals and overall page performance. Users first notice the images. So it should be impressive.When creating a website remember to remove unnecessary visuals. For example if a carousel consist of 4 images, when converting to responsive it becomes a single image. This reduces size in large percentage.
use icons
Using icons we could represent large amount text in simple way. So this helps to reduce unnecessary things. It helps to display the site in different screens.