Estimote Beacons
The world of technology is quite in a stage of transformation. It is reached in a point where the objects out the world could communicate to human beings. They are capable of understanding the situations and delivering the correct response. This responsiveness include alerts, messages and so on. This changes in technology made human to world interaction an easy task. Estimote beacons is part of the technology transformation is being taking place. Here not only a human to objects communication is happening but also a reverse action too happening. Estimote beacons are small wireless sensors that can be attached to any objects or location. Tiny radio signals are being broadcasted from this sensors which your smart phones can receive and interpret. This facilitates exploring the places and objects they are connected. An SDK app is what making this possible. They are capable of understanding the proximity to nearby locations and objects. Now the gap between the real world and your smartphones is being reduced with this concept.
Working of Estimote Beacons
Estimote Beacons are actually tiny computers. This tiny computers are filled with rich configurations. Powerful ARM processor, High memory, technology and motion sensors and Bluetooth Smart module. Radio signals being broadcasted through a built in antennas powered by a coin battery. The smart devices in this range could receive and interpret this signals. The type functionality and the notifications will be designed according to the need of the user. Estimote beacon systems are flexible enough to meet any needs.
Application Areas of Estimote Beacons
Estimote applications cannot be confined to a specific area of application. They are actually an all in one solution. Beacons fit to any frame works. Wherever this connectivity or an interaction needed an Estimote beacons can be applied. In reality there is a need an estimate beacon can be applied. One of the major area where Estimote Beacons where used are on shopping malls. In shopping malls the sensors can be fixed into the products. The products which are integrated with the Estimote beacons can be sensed and identified by Estimote SDK applications. The customers could understand the product details such as price use and other features even before entering the retail outlet. This facility can be also used to find the desired product easily. It creates an environment where the products itself reveals its details to you. This sensors not only helps the customers but also the owners of the particular shop. This sensors could act as a tracker of the product even any theft attempt occurred. As the product details displayed in the smart devices is directly from the cloud side the information passed to the customers will be accurate. Not only in shopping malls but also other areas such as home security, office automation, Defense, journalism all areas can be empowered using Estimote Beacons.
Illustration of Estimote Beacons using Indoor Object Tracking Here to demonstrate a real time application of Estimote Beacons an example of a retail shop unit is used. In the demonstration a person is entering into the shop contains bags and shoes. The person is searching for a shoe. Along the animation you could see a person is entering into a shop. He gets the products information through his smart phone. His smartphone is mentioned in the right side. When the customer reached the range of the sensors a message is appeared on the smartphone of the user. From there itself the customer gets an introduction of the shop. There the customer could decide whether to enter into the shop or not. After entering to the shop, first the place of the product come to the smartphone app as a message. Then the beacons help the customer to track the product by informing the route. Here the purchase is made. After that the customer makes another purchase went outside. Then the system wishes the customer inform him to track the delivery. Thus the shopping process completed.
Technology is going along with new ways of communications. It opens new doors of interactions.Estimote beacons facilitate easy real time interactions. Now any objects can reveal their details to your smartphone. As it is very small to attach to any objects, it is easy to adapt to any situations. Estimote beacons is really a next generation technology. It facilitates efficient business operations especially in case of shopping experience. Estimate beacons attached products could help the seekers to find them without much difficult. It saves the time of the customer and help him to take the correct decision regarding the purchase. Estimote beacons does not confined to business field but to other areas such as home security, office automation, Defense, logistics, automobiles sector, journalism and so on. In short almost all functional areas. Irrespective the area where it is applied Estimote beacons empower that sector.